(410) 764-7044
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1205 York Road, Lutherville
6305 Belair Road, Baltimore
7809 Wise Avenue, Dundalk
May 2022
Wearing Tight Shoes May Cause Bunions
A bunion is considered to be a deformity where a bony lump that forms on the side of the big toe. It happens as a result of the big toe becoming misaligned, and it can push against the side of the shoe. Many people develop a bunion from genetic reasons, or from wearing shoes that do not have adequate room for the toes to move freely in. High heels fit into this category, and it is suggested to wear a shoe that has a lower heel and a bigger toe area. Some people have an abnormal foot shape, and this may also lead to developing a bunion. There are specific symptoms that are associated with a bunion. These can include pain that gets worse when tight shoes are worn and the big toe may become stiff. Additionally, the skin surrounding the joints in the big toe may be swollen and red. Severe bunions may require surgery for permanent removal and proper alignment of the joints. If you have a bunion, please confer with a podiatrist who can guide you toward the treatment that is correct for you.
If you are suffering from bunions, contact one of our podiatrists of Plaza Podiatry. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
What Is a Bunion?
A bunion is formed of swollen tissue or an enlargement of boney growth, usually located at the base joint of the toe that connects to the foot. The swelling occurs due to the bones in the big toe shifting inward, which impacts the other toes of the foot. This causes the area around the base of the big toe to become inflamed and painful.
Why Do Bunions Form?
Genetics – Susceptibility to bunions are often hereditary
Stress on the feet – Poorly fitted and uncomfortable footwear that places stress on feet, such as heels, can worsen existing bunions
How Are Bunions Diagnosed?
Doctors often perform two tests – blood tests and x-rays – when trying to diagnose bunions, especially in the early stages of development. Blood tests help determine if the foot pain is being caused by something else, such as arthritis, while x-rays provide a clear picture of your bone structure to your doctor.
How Are Bunions Treated?
- Refrain from wearing heels or similar shoes that cause discomfort
- Select wider shoes that can provide more comfort and reduce pain
- Anti-inflammatory and pain management drugs
- Orthotics or foot inserts
- Surgery
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Baltimore, Lutherville, and Dundalk, MD . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.
What Are Bunions?
Bunions are large bony bumps at the base of the big toe. Medically known as hallux valgus, a bunion is a misalignment of the metatarsophalangeal joint, or big toe joint. The misalignment will generally worsen with time if left untreated.
The exact cause of bunions is unknown, with genetics seen as a potential cause. High heels and poorly-fitted footwear, rheumatoid arthritis, and heredity all seem to be potential factors behind the exacerbation of bunions. Women have been found to be more likely to develop bunions in comparison to men.
Bunions do not always produce symptoms. The best way to tell is if the big toe is pushing up against the next toe and there is a large protrusion at the base of the big toe. You may or may not feel pain. Redness, swelling, and restricted movement of the big toe may be present as well.
Podiatrists use a variety of methods to diagnose bunions. If there are symptoms present, podiatrists will first consider that it is a bunion. If not, a physical examination will be conducted to check function of the big toe. Finally, an X-ray may be taken to view the extent of the bunion and confirm it is a bunion.
Typically, nonsurgical methods are used to treat bunions, unless the bunion has become too misaligned. Orthotics, icing and resting the foot, roomier and better fitted shoes, taping the foot, and pain medication are usually utilized first. If the bunion doesn’t go away or causes extreme pain, surgery may be required. Surgeons will either remove part of the swollen tissue or bone to straighten the toe out.
If you have a bunion, it is recommended to see a podiatrist. The longer it is left untreated, the worse it may get. Podiatrists can properly diagnose and treat a bunion before it gets worse.
Sesamoiditis is a condition in which the sesamoid bones in the forefoot become inflamed from physical activity. Sesamoid bones are bones that are not connected to other bones but are located in tendons or muscle. Two of these sesamoid bones are very small and located on the underside of the foot near the big toe. Athletes such as runners, baseball and football players, and dancers are likely to experience sesamoiditis. Those with high arched feet, flat feet, or runners who run on the ball of their foot are also prone to suffer from sesamoiditis.
Symptoms include pain or throbbing on the ball of the foot near the big toe. The pain generally starts with a mild throbbing but gradually builds up to shooting pain. Bruising, swelling, and redness are possible, but in most cases, these symptoms are not present. However, moving the big toe can result in pain and difficulty.
To conduct a diagnosis, the podiatrist will examine the ball of the foot and big toe. They will look for any outliers and check the movement of the toe. X-rays will be taken to rule out any other conditions and ensure that it is sesamoiditis.
Treatment for sesamoiditis is generally mild and includes rest, anti-inflammatory and pain medication, and ice treatments to deal with the swelling and pain. Orthotics may be needed with people who have flat or high arched feet to relieve pressure off the bones. In some cases the toe will be taped and immobilized to allow healing. The podiatrist may also decide to use a steroid injection to help with swelling as well. If you have sesamoiditis, you shouldn’t engage in any intensive activity, as it may inflame the area and worsen your pain. If the sesamoid bone has fractured, surgery may be required to remove the sesamoid bone.
If you are suffering from sesamoiditis or are experiencing symptoms similar to sesamoiditis, you should stop all physical activity that puts strain on the area. Furthermore you should see a podiatrist for a diagnosis to see if you have sesamoiditis.
Who Is Prone to Getting Sesamoiditis?
The two small bones in the ball of the foot under the joint of the big toe are referred to as the sesamoid bones. One is located on the outside of the foot, and the other is located closer to the center of the foot. Sesamoiditis occurs when the tissue that surrounds the sesamoid bones becomes inflamed and irritated. Sesamoiditis is considered to be a form of tendonitis, and can cause severe pain and discomfort. This generally happens from overuse and repeated pressure that is placed on the forefoot. The sesamoid bones absorb impact, and are responsible for helping the big toe move up and down during activity. Some of the symptoms that are associated with sesamoiditis can include foot pain that does not diminish, and the big toe may become stiff. People with increased chances of developing sesamoiditis include dancers, runners, and women who wear high heels. Effective treatment can begin with stopping the activity that caused this condition, resting the affected foot as often as possible, and possibly taping the big toe. If you have this ailment, it is strongly advised that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can help you with treatment options that are right for you.
Sesamoiditis is an unpleasant foot condition characterized by pain in the balls of the feet. If you think you’re struggling with sesamoiditis, contact one of our podiatrists of Plaza Podiatry. Our doctors will treat your condition thoroughly and effectively.
Sesamoiditis is a condition of the foot that affects the ball of the foot. It is more common in younger people than it is in older people. It can also occur with people who have begun a new exercise program, since their bodies are adjusting to the new physical regimen. Pain may also be caused by the inflammation of tendons surrounding the bones. It is important to seek treatment in its early stages because if you ignore the pain, this condition can lead to more serious problems such as severe irritation and bone fractures.
Causes of Sesamoiditis
- Sudden increase in activity
- Increase in physically strenuous movement without a proper warm up or build up
- Foot structure: those who have smaller, bonier feet or those with a high arch may be more susceptible
Treatment for sesamoiditis is non-invasive and simple. Doctors may recommend a strict rest period where the patient forgoes most physical activity. This will help give the patient time to heal their feet through limited activity. For serious cases, it is best to speak with your doctor to determine a treatment option that will help your specific needs.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Baltimore, Lutherville, and Dundalk, MD . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Why High Heels Are Not Ideal for Healthy Feet
It is no secret that high heels are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. Although beauty is pain, you should not sacrifice the health of your feet for a stylish heel. Wearing high heels can potentially cause many different foot conditions that may be avoided by wearing proper footwear.
The structure of high heels forces weight of your body to get shifted forward toward the ball of the foot. The higher the heel you wear, the more weight and pressure get shifted forward. The pressure that your toes may experience from wearing heels may lead to hammer toes, bunions, and ingrown toenails. Extra weight and pressure resulting from wearing heels may cause stress fractures. Furthermore, heels may cause pinched nerves which may result in Morton’s neuroma.
High heels are even more dangerous for people who are clumsy. Falling or tripping while wearing heels can cause an ankle sprain or twist.
What many people don’t know is that heels can also cause back and knee problems. In order for your body to stay balanced on heels, your spine has to sway unnaturally, which adds stress to your spine muscles. This may cause you to experience a sore lower back.
If you decide to wear high heels regardless of the risks associated with them, there are ways you can minimize their harmful effects. One way to reduce injury is to massage and stretch your legs at the end of the day. Stretching can prevent the Achilles tendons and calf muscles from becoming too tight. If you are simply looking for more height, wedges and platforms provide a better surface area to distribute the body weight across compared to thinner heels.
If you experience pain from wearing high heels, it is important to see a podiatrist before any of your symptoms become worse.
Foot Conditions That May Come From Wearing High Heels
Many people stopped wearing high heels during last year's lockdown. People who have chosen to resume wearing high heels as more social and workplaces open up may be experiencing foot pain. This may be a result of a shortened Achilles tendon and may take time to adjust when high heels are worn again. There are foot conditions that may develop as a result of frequently wearing high heels, including plantar fasciitis, bunions, and hammertoes. Additionally, ailments consisting of Morton’s neuroma and corns may cause pain from wearing high heels. The good news is that high heels can be worn as desired when the heels that are chosen are not higher than an inch and a half. This can give the appearance that is wanted and the feet can be protected at the same time. If you have questions about how high heels can affect the feet, please feel free to confer with a podiatrist who can address any concerns you may have.
High heels have a history of causing foot and ankle problems. If you have any concerns about your feet or ankles, contact one of our podiatrists from Plaza Podiatry. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Effects of High Heels on the Feet
High heels are popular shoes among women because of their many styles and societal appeal. Despite this, high heels can still cause many health problems if worn too frequently.
Which Parts of My Body Will Be Affected by High Heels?
- Ankle Joints
- Achilles Tendon – May shorten and stiffen with prolonged wear
- Balls of the Feet
- Knees – Heels cause the knees to bend constantly, creating stress on them
- Back – They decrease the spine’s ability to absorb shock, which may lead to back pain. The vertebrae of the lower back may compress.
What Kinds of Foot Problems Can Develop from Wearing High Heels?
- Corns
- Calluses
- Hammertoe
- Bunions
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Plantar Fasciitis
How Can I Still Wear High Heels and Maintain Foot Health?
If you want to wear high heeled shoes, make sure that you are not wearing them every day, as this will help prevent long term physical problems. Try wearing thicker heels as opposed to stilettos to distribute weight more evenly across the feet. Always make sure you are wearing the proper shoes for the right occasion, such as sneakers for exercising. If you walk to work, try carrying your heels with you and changing into them once you arrive at work. Adding inserts to your heels can help cushion your feet and absorb shock. Full foot inserts or metatarsal pads are available.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Baltimore, Lutherville, and Dundalk, MD . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Wounds That Don't Heal Need to Be Checked
Your feet are covered most of the day. If you're diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.
How Obesity Affects Your Feet
Gaining weight can happen suddenly and at any time. Usually you won’t notice the extra weight until your feet start hurting at the end of the day. This happens as your feet begin adjusting to carrying more weight. Foot swelling and pain are two of the biggest side effects of having gained weight.
Many foot-related problems can occur even after just putting on a few pounds. This includes the body ‘compensating’ by changing the way it moves. You may find yourself putting extra weight on the wrong parts of your feet and even leaning forward a bit. Your feet were designed to carry a healthy, normal body weight. Extra weight places undue stress on them.
Being overweight often causes the development of Type-2 diabetes, causing leg and foot pain. Older people who do not attempt to control their condition can even lose sensation and feeling in their legs and feet. This can lead to the development of small sores that can lead to serious infection.
Extra stress placed on the joints, tendons and muscles in the feet as a result of extra body weight may also cause heel spurs, or plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the foot tissue, causing stiffness and pain when walking and climbing stairs. This can usually be relieved by foot stretches and custom made orthotic shoe-inserts.
Problems in the feet triggered by obesity can be treated by paying special attention to footwear. Proper support shoes that allow for good circulation, especially in the arch and ankle, are vital. A podiatrist can help you find what sort of shoe is most suitable for your feet. They can also measure you for special orthotics if necessary.
It could also be high time to start losing weight in order to treat and prevent diabetes as well as other life threatening diseases. Some methods include yoga and water aerobics, which benefit your entire body without placing stress on your feet. Don’t risk losing your feet by losing interest in them. Take care of your feet and your body, as they deserve the very best.
How Obesity Can Contribute to Flat Feet
Increased body weight adds stress to the feet and is thought to be a contributing factor to several foot conditions. Flat feet, or pes planus, is one of these. Arches are designed, partly, to help absorb the body’s weight while standing or moving, and also to act as shock absorbers. The heavier a person is, the harder it is for this structure to maintain its shape and do its job. The arch will become lower as it struggles under the excessive weight it is bearing, and in some cases, may completely collapse. Additionally, obesity may cause a person to angle their feet outward as they walk, with a wider-than-normal gait. These changes in stride can also make it more difficult for the arch to keep its normal shape and height. Flat feet can sometimes cause pain in the arch and/or muscles, as well as fatigue and aching in the feet and legs. Losing weight is a good step towards helping to relieve symptoms. A podiatrist can also help ease your discomfort and use a variety of techniques to support the arch and correct gait abnormalities.
The more you weigh, the harder your feet must work to support your body. If you’re an obese individual and are concerned about your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Plaza Podiatry. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Obesity and Your Feet
People who are overweight are putting more pressure on their ankles, knees, and hips as well as their feet. This unfortunately can lead to variety of different issues.
Problems & Complications Stemming from Obesity
- When the body is overweight, it tries to compensate by changing the way that it moves. An obese person may lean forward and put extra weight on the wrong part of the foot. This puts unnecessary stress on the feet.
- Obese people are also more likely to develop type II diabetes which is a condition that causes a lot of foot problems. People with diabetes often don’t feel the cuts and sores that they may have on their feet, which can lead to more complicated and severe issues.
- Plantar fasciitis is another foot condition that can be caused by obesity. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue along the bottom of the foot, which causes pain and stiffness while walking and climbing stairs.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Baltimore, Lutherville, and Dundalk, MD . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Poor Blood Circulation in the Feet
Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is often caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is usually the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Plaque buildup, or atherosclerosis, can be the result of excess calcium and cholesterol in the bloodstream. This restricts how much blood can flow through arteries. Reduced blood flow to a certain area of the body severely limits the amount of oxygen and nutrients that part of the body receives. This leads to degeneration in the muscles and other tissues. Sometimes, poor blood circulation in the feet and legs can be caused by other conditions, such as the damaging or inflammation of blood vessels, known as vasculitis.
The lack of oxygen and nutrients caused by poor blood circulation can restrict muscle growth and development, as well as cause muscle pain and cramps, weakness, and stiffness. Other common symptoms include numbness in the legs and feet, skin discoloration in the affected limbs, slower nail and hair growth, and erectile dysfunction in men. In more severe cases of PAD, pain can be present even when a person isn't exercising, and may range from mildly uncomfortable to completely debilitating.
Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is more common in those who are overweight or obese, have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, who smoke, or who have a family history of PAD or related conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, etc. Diabetes and smoking place a person at greatest risk for developing poor blood circulation, although advanced age, over 50, can also increase risk.
If you are experiencing poor blood circulation in the feet and legs caused by PAD, it is important to make changes to your lifestyle in order to reduce your risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke caused by this condition. If you smoke, quit completely. This will increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Exercising and reducing the saturated fats in your diet. Saturated fats come from fatty meats, fried foods, whole milk, etc., can make a difference in improving blood circulation in feet. It is also important to avoid developing influenza and to carefully control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
Your doctor may recommend combining lifestyle changes with a prescription medication regimen to improve blood circulation. The most commonly-used medications for PAD are called statins and work by blocking the amount of enzymes in your body that produce cholesterol. They are known by the brand names Zocor, Lipitor, Crestor, and others.